
Instructions for each machine:

arm7tdmi MEM - Memory

arm7tdmi ALU - ALU

arm7tdmi BR - Branch

arm7tdmi arm7tdmi - ARM 7TDMI core

Individual instructions descriptions

add - add reg+reg

add-hd-hs - hi = hi + hi2

add-hd-rs - hi = hi + lo

add-rd-hs - lo = lo + hi

add-sp - add offset to sp

addi - add reg+imm

addi8 - add 8 bit immediate

alu-adc - add with carry

alu-and - and

alu-asr - arithmetic shift right

alu-bic - bit clear

alu-cmn - compare negative

alu-cmp - compare

alu-eor - xor

alu-lsl - logical shift left

alu-lsr - logical shift right

alu-mul - multiply

alu-mvn - invert

alu-neg - negate

alu-orr - or

alu-ror - rotate right

alu-sbc - subtract with carry (borrow)

alu-tst - test

asr - arithmetic shift right

b - unconditional branch

bcc - branch if cc (geu)

bcs - branch if cs (ltu)

beq - branch if eq

bge - branch if ge

bgt - branch if gt

bhi - branch if hi (gtu)

bl-hi - branch link, high offset

bl-lo - branch link, low offset

ble - branch if le

bls - branch if ls (leu)

blt - branch if lt

bmi - branch if mi (negative)

bne - branch if ne

bpl - branch if pl (positive or zero)

bvc - branch if vc (overflow clear)

bvs - branch if vs (overflow set)

bx-hs - bx on hi reg

bx-rs - bx on lo reg

cmp - cmp reg,imm

cmp-hd-hs - compare hi1,hi2

cmp-hd-rs - compare hi,lo

cmp-rd-hs - compare lo,hi

lda-pc - load address from pc

lda-sp - load address from sp

ldmia - load multiple

ldr - load word

ldr-imm - load word with immediate offset

ldr-pc - pc relative load

ldr-sprel - load word, sp-relative

ldrb - load zero extended byte

ldrb-imm - load zero extended byte with immediate offset

ldrh - load zero extended halfword

ldrh-imm - load zero extended halfword with immediate offset

ldsb - load sign extended byte

ldsh - load sign extended halfword

lsl - logical shift left

lsr - logical shift right

mov - move imm->reg

mov-hd-hs - hi1 = hi2

mov-hd-rs - hi = lo

mov-rd-hs - lo = hi

pop - pop registers

pop-pc - pop registers and pc

push - push registers

push-lr - push registers and lr

stmia - store multiple

str - store word

str-imm - store word with immediate offset

str-sprel - store word, sp-relative

strb - store byte

strb-imm - store byte with immediate offset

strh - store halfword

strh-imm - store halfword with immediate offset

sub - sub reg+reg

sub-sp - subtract offset from sp

subi - sub reg+imm

subi8 - sub 8 bit immediate

swi - software interrupt

Macro Instructions

Macro instructions for each machine:

arm7tdmi - ARM 7TDMI core

Individual macro-instructions descriptions

This documentation was machine generated from the cgen cpu description files for this architecture.